At this very moment, one of the biggest decisions for the future of Flovatar is in the hands of the DAO. Since Flovatar launched in December of 2021, the community has been speculating, debating, and anticipating the arrival of the Dust token. The token is scheduled to launch on April 24th, pending DAO approval. The vote is live on Cast now until April 18 and it looks like it will come down to the wire.

One might assume that a community would be very eager to launch a token if given the chance, especially one with quite a few utilities already. Let’s face it, Web3 is full of people looking at the bottom line and trying to make profits. But within the Flovatar community, a spirited debate rages on.


Remember, the discussion is ongoing in the DAO Discussion Channel. On Thursday, Luca took to Twitter Spaces to have a town hall discussion with the community. If you happened to miss this, make sure to check out the recording for all the information (including more “Project S” rumors but more on that later).
There are so many nuances to the release of this token, and the community is pointing out a lot of them. The energetic and intelligent debate is a prime example of the community maturing over time. Flovatar has a very passionate user base who take pride in being owners and don’t make decisions without covering all of the angles. So regardless if you feel Dust is ready to launch now or in a few months, you all have a responsibility right now. Luca has given everyone the keys to Dust. He trusts you will debate the issues, take time to consider all the factors, and make an informed decision. Most importantly, he and Flovatar need you to all go vote. So ask yourself, do we Dust now or Dust later?
As part of our revamp of the F.U.D. news format, we hired a professional journalist to investigate and report on various stories around the Flovatar megaverse. Please give a warm welcome to our new employee, Ron Flogundy.

Ron comes from an illustrious journalistic background, starting his career at age 5 as the “kiddie correspondent” on the local news in Joplin, Missouri. From there, when he was in 3rd grade, he became the US reporter for MTV news. He graduated high school early and entered college journalism program at NYU where he had an internship getting coffee for Tom Brokaw at NBC. His career became intergalactic, when he was sent to the war torn Taagrab zone near Flova, earning a Peabody award for excellence in reporting. Ron has spent the later half of his career as the anchor for the local news in San Diego until he was unjustly outed after a few bad jokes.
Ron would like to say a few words to you all:
Where am I? Last I remember, I was smoking a cigar at a Chicago Cubs game. A nice lady offered me a glass of this fancy liquor called Malort and now I’m here. Why is the editor of this newspaper a clown? The professional standards here are less than exemplary. Who do I talk to if I need a refill of Scotch? You stay classy Flovatar.
Thanks, Ron.
There has been much speculation about what Luca and the team are working on with the mysterious Project S. Luckily, we are only a few weeks away from the unveiling of this special initiative. For now, we wanted to dispel some of the myths and rumors we’ve heard from the community.
Project S is NOT Salad Dressing
No, Luca has not followed in Paul Newman’s footsteps by launching his own brand to put on delicious salads. We wish he would though!

Project S is not a cartoon version of the show Succession
No, we have not signed a contract with HBO to create the animated version of the hit TV show. As Logan Roy would say, F&$# off!

No, Project S is not shoes.
Luca is not 3D printing everyone Flovatar themed shoes. But if he were, we would hope we would make us all something crazy like these backwards/forwards shoes. It’s the future!