March 17, 2023 ·


Ever since the beginning of Flovatar, Luca has mentioned that his goal was to make this community into a DAO. He wanted to empower the community’s creativity and vision to guide the future of Flovatar. After a test run using the Emerald Bot as a voting platform, the first real DAO decision is live and all of the owners should be paying attention. In case you missed what is going on, I am here to bring you up to speed so you can be ready to participate and be a contributing member to Flovatar’s future.

Before we talk about the issue at hand, lets talk logistics about the DAO and the process. Every member has a say in the DAO based on the number of flovatars they own. Each flovatar equals 1 vote in the process. Voting is currently set up in a dedicated Discord channel using the Emerald Bot. There is a pinned post in the channel which requires owners to reconnect to Emerald in order for the account to be verified and ready to vote, for now. I have some late breaking information from sources that say this voting platform may be getting an upgrade very soon. Stay tuned.

Ok, now that you know how to go vote, let’s dive into what the first issue is all about. Dust pricing! Luca posted a message in the DAO discussion channel explaining the topics. If you haven’t been in the chat following, then you are missing a very good discussion. There are 2 separate but similar proposals. One deals with pricing for Dust utilities such as naming a flovatar, providing a story, 3D files, etc. The other, more heated topic is the cost of minting a Psyche Likee. Speaking of them, here’s a quick message from our sponsors at Flova Labs…

Aren’t they just adorable? Ok, back to the important business at hand. How much will minting a Psyche Likee cost? A lot of things factor into this answer. First, each trait will see a 5% rise in cost every time it is used. Simple enough but there are also different rarities of traits. These rarities dictate what the starting prices are. This is where the DAO steps in. Luca’s proposal has common traits starting at 50 Dust, rare traits 250 Dust, epics at 1250, and legendary at 6250 Dust. That’s a lot of numbers, I know. Being good at math isn’t a requirement for my followers here so luckily, we have some smart bots that do it for us.

Chart shows how many days it will take an owner to mint a Psyche Likee of different rarities.

Looking at the chart, you can kind of get an idea of where you might fall in the Dust/day chart and how long it will take you to get to the Psyche Likee of your dreams. This sparked a lot of debate in the DAO discussion as people seemed to be a little surprised by the length of time to get to those nice epics and legendary ones. This doesn’t even take into account the inflation of the prices as the traits get used.

Look, I’m not here to persuade anyone one way or another. Just to keep everyone informed on what is going on in the world of Flovatar. The main point to this whole article is to emphasize the need for owners to take some time and check in on the information. If you’re reading this, I assume you are fairly passionate or vested in Flovatar. We as owners are being given the power to make big decisions on the future and its a pretty big responsibility considering this deals with a token release. Rumors have been heard about hosting a possible town hall style event where the DAO can have open discussions to really hash out the issues at hand. For those of you who haven’t been able to keep up, this event would be a good way to catch up quickly if it happens. FUD News will definitely be there to cover it all. The DAO discussion is very informative and lively. So take a few minutes to jump in and read the information so you can make a well educated decision. Every vote matters so don’t be left out.


Luca has been fairly busy this week on a mini press junket across the web. It all started on Wednesday afternoon when he and the team joined Flowverse for a Twitter Spaces. They updated the web3 world on what has been going on and what is to come. There was a lot of talk about Dust and Psyche Likee of course. If you’ve listened to Luca in spaces before, you know he has a tendency to spill some news. The Flowverse team did their best to squeeze some alpha out of Luca and they succeeded….well sort of. Luca couldn’t hold back some excitement and spilled the beans in the form of a letter. No, not a long written out letter explaining what he meant. Literally a letter. S. That’s all we know. What’s it mean? I’m sure the speculation channel will have fun with this. If you missed the event, make sure to listen to the recording and see if you can figure anything out.

Flovatar AMA with Flowverse Recording

The public event tour continues this weekend when Flovatar takes the stage at the upcoming Flow Blockchain Block Party. This event features 22 projects on flow getting together to share information on recent developments, have some fun, and hand out some prizes. Flovatar will be hosting their AMA segment on March 18th at 3PM PDT / 2200 UTC. Make sure to check out the events in Discord to get a link to the Block Party server to follow along and be eligible for the giveaways.

Moving on to the Flovalympics, last week saw another chance for the Flovalympians to score some points by helping the team gather information for the return of Flovatar Feud in the future. Teams needed to submit their surveys and points were awarded based on submissions and participation. Thursday also saw the kick off the next event focused on the NCAA basketball tournament. It’s March Madness time and teams were tasked with filling out their brackets collectively to compete head to head versus other Flovalympic teams. The first round of the event is set to end soon so make sure to check back and see how your team did. Speaking of how the teams are doing, here’s an updated version of the standings after the FF survey event. Next week will also see the 3rd prize dump into the pool of rewards.

Flovalympic standings as of 3/17/2023

I think that’s it for this week in the world of Flovatar. Join the team this Saturday at the block party for some fun and prizes. Good luck to all those that are participating in the Flovatar Madness challenge for some packs and to those in the weekly F1 contests. Lots of stuff to keep everyone busy this weekend. Thanks for tuning in again. This is FUD News, signing off.

Tales From Flovatar

By: Jenna & WildTurkey
Art: Purple Rose

THE END…..for now. Thanks for taking the time to read through all of these. Flovatar is always about encouraging the community member’s creativity. If you have an idea for a story for your flovatars, don’t hesitate to reach out and join us in telling your tale.

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