Greetings fellow Flogundians! Your favorite web3 based, Flovatar reporting, opinionated anchor Ron Flogundy is back! Where the hell have I been? None of your business. But enough with the small talk today. I am here with a very important announcement for you all. We've been hacked....again!!!! Some of you probably remember a while back when a lapse in security from the Flovatar bouncers caused an attempted hostile takeover of the Discord. Little did they know that we had a superhero… Read more.
F.U.D. but the good kind
THE SUMMER OF RONBy Ron Flogundy I'm baaaaaaacccckkk. Did you miss me? I know I would have if I were in your shoes. Well, never fear loyal Flogundians. Ron is back this week, and I've found a few of my slacker, I mean esteemed, news crew to entertain you. Let's dive in to see what is new from the Flovatar DAO and the rest of the crew. But first, you are all probably wondering where I have been. Well, it… Read more.

DAO UPDATE & SUMMER "FUN"By Ron Flogundy Greetings Flovatar world and most importantly, Ron's fans. I am back in range of some internet service for just enough time to ramble out an issue of the greatest publication in web3. So what have I been up to? Good question! Now, let's get started. The DAO has continued to work on things. A big vote went live where community members voiced their opinion on what to do with the Flow in the… Read more.

MMM...STAKEBy Ron Flogundy Greetings loyal followers. The Great Ron Flogundy is back for another Friday edition of everyone's favorite Flovatar sarcastic news segment. We are currently ranked #1 in that department! This week we have an update from the DAO and some major criminal activity to cover! While I love giving a long winded intro, let's just get to the meat and potatoes of this week's main course. The Flovatar DAO met this week and wants to kick things off… Read more.

DAO COUNCIL REVEALBy Ron Flogundy Happy Friday Flovatar world and more importantly, Ron's biggest fans. I am back with a big update for you all this week. The DAO has launched! After googling what a DAO was because I don't speak nerd, I realized that it is kind of a big deal. Let's get this show started. Luca has said since day 1 that he wanted to give the creative power to the community when the time was right. After… Read more.

DAO DEETS & MOVIE TREATSBy Ron Flogundy Greetings fans! Miss me? I bet you did because I know I would miss myself if I couldn't see this handsome face for a week. But it's Friday and I am back for some info and fun. We have some things from the world of Flovatar to share plus my Hollywood guide to the summer. So sit back, grab some popcorn (more on that later), and enjoy the show. First up, Flovatar DAO… Read more.

FLOBITS & FOOTBALL FUNBy Ron Flogundy How's that for some Friday alliteration? Ron is a legendary wordsmith after all. Anyways, greetings to all my Ron-O-Maniacs. I'm here again to give you a brief update and some joy to your end of the week routine. This week, it's time to put our sportsball caps back on because McGee is too damn lazy to do his job. He's a real butt(ker) head. The Flovatar DAO is live on Toucans for all to… Read more.

JACOB, HOW DARE YOU?By Ron Flogundy Greetings Ron-a-maniacs. Yup. I stole that from McGee because, honestly, I don't think he has any fans and it just sounds better with Ron attached to it. I am back for your weekly bit of news and shenanigans. I've got some exciting news from Flovatar and then whatever else I feel like telling you all. So let's get this Friday going. First of all, Jacob Tucker and Emerald City, how dare you? You scooped… Read more.

MY WALLET IS GETTING LIGHTERBy Ron Flogundy Greetings die hard Flogundians. Miss me? I know I missed myself. I'm back from my mini hiatus to bring you some Friday entertainment. However, this may not be much of a pleasure for some of you. So where was Ron this last week? Well, I've been neck deep investigating nerd stuff to bring you some news. Honestly, I spent maybe an hour on it and then was lost in the world of Shogun… Read more.

THE BEST AND WORST OF TODAYBy Ron Flogundy Kon'nichiwa FUD News fans. I, the great Ron Flogundy, am back this week to shake things up. Well, not really. I merely am announcing myself as the new Shogun (all powerful dictator) of this news establishment thanks to my new found love. I'm also here to rant about something else briefly because as Shogun, I have that power. How did this come about? Good question. Let's get this story started and bring… Read more.